Welcome to Cosmo's Beer Blog!

We’re a small group of friends and family scattered across the country who’ve all developed a thirst for craft and import beer. We decided that a blog would be a great venue for us to share our hobby. Here we will review beer, compare notes and challenge each other with "Beer Missions".

So welcome to our little world of discovering great tasting beer!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Canadian Breakfast Stout

Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) by Founders
Style / abv: Double Imperial Stout / 10.6%
Source / Temp: 750ml bottle / 55 deg
Glass: Medium Sized Snifter

Appearance: Black ale with a tan head.

Aroma: The first thing I notice is that this ale smells like a tame KBS. I pick up a light bourbon scent, chocolate liquor, and a bit of alcohol.

Taste: This is a very sweet beer. I taste creamy chocolate milk, a bit of coffee, tons of maple, and just a touch of bourbon. I am strongly reminded of a sweet Starbucks coffee. The only evidence of hops is a very slight bite somewhere in the middle. I do not taste any alcohol.

Drinkability: This smooth, creamy ale has just a little bit of carbonation. This is a dessert beer that while tasty, it is not very drinkable. I cannot imagine drinking much more than about 6 ounces.

As CBS reaches room temperature, the sweetness becomes over-the-top. I find myself with my nose in the glass, yet less and less tempted to take a sip.

I am glad that I was lucky enough to secure a single bottle of this interesting and lauded ale. It is a tasty brew that was fun to share with my fellow bloggers. I must admit, however, that while I will continue to hunt and scrap for bottles of KBS and Backwoods Bastard, I will not go to the same lengths for CBS. There is one exception: many who have had both say that CBS on tap is far superior to CBS in the bottle. So I will reserve my final judgement of CBS for the day that I have opportunity to sample it on tap... if that day ever comes....

I give CBS 8 out of 10.

Eis Igian,

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