Welcome to Cosmo's Beer Blog!

We’re a small group of friends and family scattered across the country who’ve all developed a thirst for craft and import beer. We decided that a blog would be a great venue for us to share our hobby. Here we will review beer, compare notes and challenge each other with "Beer Missions".

So welcome to our little world of discovering great tasting beer!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


American IPA by Schlafly
Style / abv: American IPA / 7.2%
Source / Temp: 12oz bottle / 50 deg
Glass: Small Snifter

Appearance: Cloudy, dark golden with an orange hue.

Aroma: Very nice sour citrus tones with lemon and orange peel.

Taste: Loads of citrus flavors with a strong dry grapefruit taste. I pick up a light alcohol flavor with some yeast esters in the middle and a medium hop bite in the finish.

Drinkability: Medium creamy body, with light carbonation.

To me, this is the perfect single IPA. While having enough aroma and taste to keep me interested, it is simple to enough to remain very very drinkable.

Standing by my "perfect" comment, I give AIPA a 10 out of 10.

Eis Igian,

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