Welcome to Cosmo's Beer Blog!

We’re a small group of friends and family scattered across the country who’ve all developed a thirst for craft and import beer. We decided that a blog would be a great venue for us to share our hobby. Here we will review beer, compare notes and challenge each other with "Beer Missions".

So welcome to our little world of discovering great tasting beer!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mission No. 3: Preview

I'm already geared up for Mission Number Three, great idea Charles! I have 5 never before tried (by me) IPA'S in my fridge, chilled and ready to go.

I thought that before I got going on this mission, I'd post my current top five IPA's:

    1. Bell's - Hopslam
    2. Three Floyds - Dreadnaught
    3. Three Floyds - Apocalypse Cow
    4. Oskar Blues - Gordon 
    5. Victory Brewing - Hop Wallop

After compiling this list, it led me to feel that I didn't really like being limited to a "Sweet 16" list on Our Preferences. What about numbers 17, 18 and 19? What about the fact that I like my favorite stout for entirely different reasons than I like my favorite IPA? How do I even compare KBS to Hopslam to Rochfort 8? In light of this, I abandoned the "Sweet 16" and made a categoric list. I don't intend to have a 100 beers on my favorites list... but then again, why not? If we get to that point, we could always create a preferences / profile page for each of us.

But now back to the mission. With today being a great football day, I'll begin my journey into Mission Number Three by trying at least two "new" IPA's. I can't wait!

Eis  Igian,


  1. Cool ideas. If I order any good IPAs for this mission, I will be sure to share 'em! :)

  2. Here are the ones I picked up yesterday that will be tried soon -
    1) Brewdog Hardcore IPA
    2) Rogue XS Imperial IPA
    3) Moylander Double IPA
    4) Otter Creek Imperial IPA.
